Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology
Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology
Research Article Open Access

Physiological adaptability of pregnant doe Kacang goats in a dry-land-area of ​​Indonesia

Veronika Yuneriati Beyleto, Nurcholidah Solihati, Denie Heriyadi, Dedi Rahmat

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The objective of the present study was to evaluate the physiological adaptability of pregnant doe Kacang goats in a dryland area of Indonesia. Thirty pregnant doe Kacang goats aged 2-3 years were observed. The rearing system was semi-intensive without giving concentrated feeds. Local grasses and legumes such as Leucaena leucocephala leaves, Gliricidia sepium leaves, Sesbania grandiflora leaves, and drinking water were offered ad libitum. Experimental data such as respiration rate, rectal temperature, adaptability coefficient, heart rate, and heat tolerance coefficient, were collected during 2-3 months of gestation. The mean and standard deviation were calculated using a descriptive analysis method. The average humidity in the morning and afternoon and the ambient temperature in the middle of the day were outside the normal range. The THI value indicates that the experimental animals are under medium heat stress. The average values of HTC, AC, RT, HR, and RR were still typical for goats. In conclusion, although the average ambient temperature at midday and humidity in the morning and afternoon were outside of the normal range, they did not cause any effects on feed and water intake, health, and fetus growth and development of pregnant doe Kacang goats. This happened because the Kacang goat is a local breed that can adapt well to extreme environments. Therefore, pregnant doe Kacang goats in Malaka District can be allowed to graze in the paddock throughout the day and housed at night.


adaptability coefficient, heat tolerance coefficient, temperature-humidity index


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