Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology
Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology
Research Article Open Access

Behavior and reproduction of belida fish (Notopterus notopterus, Pallas 1769) in different stocking density and nurtured with different types of feed

Sukendi, Thamrin, Ridwan Manda Putra, Ade Yulindra

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Belida fish (Notopterus notopterus, Pallas 1769) is one of Indonesia's endemic fish that has high economic value so that the catch is so high and has begun to decline in population from nature. The purpose of this study was to analyze the behavior and reproduction of belida fish that nurtured with stocking density and different types of feed. This study was conducted from April to June 2018 in the Fish hatchery and Breeding Laboratory of Fisheries and Marine Science Faculty, Riau University. The design used is a randomized complete design with stocking density treatment consisting of 5, 10, and 15 tail/m3 and type of feed consisting of pellet + vitamin E feed and trash fish feed (dumbo catfish cubs). The results showed that the best treatment was in the stocking density of 5 tail/m3 and trash fish feed (dumbo catfish cubs) showed aggressive fish behavior in chasing the feed given, resulting in reproductive value consisting of the fish number of gonad maturity (TKG IV) as many as 5 fishes, gonado somatic index value of 0.58%, the fecundity of 6,053 eggs, egg diameter of 2.49 mm and semen volume of 0.045 ml.


egg diameter, fecundity, fish behavior, gonad maturity, gonadosomatic index, knife fish


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