Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology
Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology
Review Article Open Access

The challenges of animal welfare in modern Brazilian poultry farming

Karina Suemi Sakamoto, Natália Cristina Benincasa, Iran José Oliveira da Silva, Cristian Marcelo Villegas Lobos

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The Brazilian poultry industry is undergoing a process of increasing rigor regarding production practices related to breeding and pre-slaughter operations since animal welfare is an extremely important subject that has received great attention in the developed countries. Brazil is one of the greatest producers of chicken meat, concerns have existed in the sense of adequacy to continue attending to the demand of export and maintenance of the position of leadership, in front of the other market players. One of the key points is the necessity to improve the intensive farming, which currently has many obstacles that prejudice the basic principles of animal welfare assurance. Relatively simple problems in handling animals, litter and equipment, as well as the lack of preventive maintenance in the facilities are the main ones responsible for the thermal discomfort and quality of life of these animals. Despite all the considerations raised, a large part of the Brazilian consumers is still unaware of intensive farming and the way animals are raising on the farm until their plates, being surrounded by myths and false beliefs. Therefore, the purpose of this review is to address the main critical issues affecting the welfare of broiler chickens in intensive commercial production.


chicken litter, intensive production, thermal comfort


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