Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology
Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology
Review Article Open Access

Artificial insemination in rabbits: factors that interfere in assessing its results

Farid Soliman, Karim El-Sabrout

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Understanding the rabbit’s sexual behavior and reproduction process is very important when using artificial insemination (AI) instead of natural mating in intensive rearing systems. Ovulation in rabbit females not occur spontaneously/ induced ovulatory animals, but it has to be induced through a neuro-hormonal reflex, which is stimulated during mating. The mating effect of satiety on specific measures of rabbit female sexual behavior has not been investigated. When applying AI, in the absence of a male, ovulation has to be induced by exogenous hormonal analogs. Bio-stimulation techniques are suggested as a substitute for hormones in that respect. One of the most effective approaches to distribute ejaculates from bucks of superior quality or genetic value is the systematic use of AI in intensive rabbit production. Rabbit’s sexual receptivity has a significant influence on fertility at insemination. In addition, a limitation factor for rabbit AI spread is related to their semen preservation. Fresh diluted semen has been used but its quality can be maintained only for a short period. However, there are few articles available have indicated the negativity of AI usage on rabbit, and the factors that can influence the AI process including the sexual desire behavior. Therefore, the objective of this review is to identify the important factors that directly or indirectly affect AI process success, meanwhile interfering with and/or relying on AI assessment.


bio-stimulators, natural mating, semen collection, sexual behavior, welfare


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